I will briefly present some of the most worldwide cultivated oyster mushroom species. An important aspect worth considering here is that some Pleuortus species are thermophilic (they love higher temperature ~30-32 °C / 86-89.6 F) while some other species are chriophilic (lower temperatures such as ~8-15 °C / 46.4-59 F are more suitable for their development). Taking into account this, we may choose what species to cultivate and in what season. Another important aspect is the sensitivity level of the mushroom; therefore we have more or less sensible species to the environmental factors present in the grow room. One thing is certain, these factors influence the mushroom developmental process, and are composed of biotic (e. g., competitive molds, flies, nematods, or other competitive mushrooms for the same substrate), while a-biotic factors refer to developmental conditions such as: temperature, humidity, ventilation, and light. Species of Cultivated Pleurotus: 1. Pleu...
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